Domestic violence abuse occurs when one individual is using a pattern of behaviors to control another individual. Plain and simple. Many people who are victims to domestic violence abuse don’t even see themselves as victims, and their abusers oftentimes don’t see themselves as abusers, especially when the abuse is not physical. Domestic violence abuse can occur in many forms. The following are examples of the various forms:

Physical – hitting, slapping, choking, biting

  • Psychological: Threats to you or your loved ones; preventing you from seeing friends or family; threatening suicide to get you to act on something or in a certain way
  • Emotional: Constantly putting you down; Name-calling
  • Sexual: Rape; Forcing you to perform sex acts with which you are uncomfortable

All of these above acts are considered domestic violence abuse and can occur with heterosexual or homosexual couples, married couples, dating couples, separated couples.

Staying Safe from Domestic Violence Abuse

If you are a victim of domestic violence abuse or are in danger of being abused, there are several actions that can be taken to help prevent further abuse:

Call the Police – this is the first thing that should be done in the event of domestic violence abuse. Police can come to your home to protect you or you can file a police report against your abuser and obtain a personal protection order.

Family – If they are at your disposal, share your incident with friends and family for support and protection.
Find a Safe Place – You can stay at a shelter temporarily or contact a social worker or organization such as HAVEN to seek relocation if the case may call for such.

No matter where you turn, once you recognize that you are the victim of domestic violence abuse, it is important to make a safety plan and ensure you stay as far away from your abuser as possible.