I specialize in the following issues regarding family law and divorce:
- Divorce: My office specializes in legal representation in complex divorce procedures in both the Rabbinical and Family Courts.
- Child Custody: I combine legal knowledge, human sensitivity, and emphasize appropriate conduct when confronting experts advising about the good of the child, specialist psychologists, and social workers.
- Child Abduction and Representation: According to the Hague Convention, divorce procedures sometimes evolve into very difficult directions. For example, a child may be abducted by one of the parents to a foreign country (where the family of the abducting parent lives) and take up residence there and break off the child’s contact with the other parent. This situation is recognized as an international matter according to the Hague Convention, which is “An international convention, whose concern is to enforce the duty to return the abducted child to the country from where he/she was abducted.” Israel is bound by this convention by a law of parliament 5721/1991.
- Child Support & Maintenance: My office has the knowledge, ability, and experience to advise and direct our clients. I consider a suitable solution for both parents and take the needs of the child into consideration.
Separation of Property in Israel: The law asserts that property, which has been accumulated by one of the spouses in the course of their married life, should be divided equally without any connection to the registration of the property. - Divorce Negotiations: In most of the divorce cases, the ultimate objective is to reach an agreement for our clients. This requires negotiating abilities and personal skills in human relationships and a great deal of experience in arranging an agreement that will protect the interests of our clients, down to the last detail.
- Divorce Mediation: The procedure of mediation is becoming increasingly popular. Its aim is to bring the couple, with the assistance of a lawyer, to a respectable agreement without a confrontation in court.
- Drafting Property and Pre-nuptial Agreements: I am committed to clients who turn to me to defend their rights prior to entering the bonds of marriage or joint life.
- Drafting and Compiling Wills: In the compilation of wills and last testaments, reliability and awareness of the law of inheritance is absolutely necessary. Our office has extensive experience in arranging wills and registering them.