Child custody rights are awarded to parents, step-parents, grandparents, and other legal guardians as determined by a family court judge. Legal judgments in child custody rights cases favor biological parents who are deemed suitable guardians. Child custody rights are awarded based on the best interests of the children involved.Child custody rights and responsibilities detail who will have legal and physical custody of the child. Child support payments will also be determined, where applicable, in child custody rights cases.
Child custody arrangements can take many forms including sole custody, joint custody, shared custody and split custody. Access can be very structured or informal. Decisions surrounding child custody can be determined without the need of court proceedings if both parties can come to a mutually acceptable agreement.
We can help mediate and facilitate the agreement of child access, child support, and spousal support, and draft legal and binding agreements that protect your interests and ensure you have regular access to your children.
We are ready to help you to fully understand your rights and obligations with respect to the important issues of child custody and will ensure that you receive a fair and equitable resolution in your child custody case.